1.Be good to yourself:
o Keep physically fit and rested.
2.Attitude is all-important:
o Use positive affirmations: "I can pass Maths."
o Provide your own psychological edge, be it a positive attitude or a "lucky pen."
o Be a chronic enthusiast!
3.Used textbooks may provide insights on a course.
4.Sit in the front row:
o if you must sit toward the back of the room, lean forward.
oAttentiveness and concentration increase markedly.
5.Don't miss the first and last minutes of class:
oThey are crucial — important announcements, questions on test, etc.
6.Use a variety of study techniques:
o a. Tape chapters (find out if your textbook has companion pod cast chapters). Listen on way to school, work.
o b. Use index cards for quick review.
oKeep them simple. Throw your highlighter away!
oRemember: frequent review takes facts from short-term memory to long-term memory — learning as opposed to cramming.
7.Study in short bursts:
o(First and last facts are remembered best; therefore, it will accelerate learning.)
8.Review notes immediately after class:
o Even for five minutes.
oSomething magical happens!
9.Review your notes out loud:
oRead your chapters out loud.
10.Appearance raises grades:
o Neatness counts.
o Word processors are a plus.
o If a handwritte assignment is acceptable, use erasable pen.
11.Don't waste time rereading:
o Rely on "pen in hand" .
12.Test professors before they test you:
o Ask questions about what kind of test to expect,
o what material will be covered.
13.Become an expert test taker.
14.Go with initial hunches.
15.Stay with initial hunches.
16.Study according to your biological clock.
o Are you "normal," a night owl, or an early bird?
17.Eliminate stress in your life.
18.EXERCISE is the best antidote.
19.Make extra credit mandatory.
20.Never miss a class:
o This is considered mandatory by "A" students.
21.Be prepared to bail out.
o Don't be afraid to drop a course that is not working for you., BUT be aware of all official dates to withdraw and any vital state legislative restrictions ( Texas has a limit on total number of W hours.)
22.Volunteer to edit a friend's paper.
o Use it as a learning experience.
23.Study smart—not hard!
24.Time management skills and discipline pay off.
Stay mentally, physically and spiritually fit.
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Good post
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